Ashok's Taxi Tours
Beyond Generosity
But I must go back to the night before. As we drove to our hotel, Mr. Ashok told us it was a 40-minute drive to the airport. This was very upsetting to me as I was sure this one was much closer, and it was a Wyndham, and they said they had a shuttle. I had requested confirmation, which never arrived.
Mr. Ashok strongly suggested we cancel our reservation to stay with his family that night. Given Mr. Ashok's previous stories. Repeat customer, staying with him, and the circumstances around the hotel. Something told me this was the right thing to do.
Louise was a little upset that I hadn’t consulted her properly, and she hoped to get into the hotel and sleep by 7 PM. As I hadn’t, she realized they would prepare something for us when we arrived, and she wouldn’t get to bed until much later.
She was right. While it was a little overwhelming, it was an amazing experience. Mr. Ashok had built his house a number of years ago for his family; they were nine in total staying there. He still managed to have a spare room with an en suite.
His wife and two daughters-in-law prepared a little meal for us, and we got to bed at 9 PM. It was quite an experience to share and learn about this family. I think it was one of the highlights. Of course, the women did not speak English, but Mr. Ashok, his son, and three grandchildren did.
We got up at 2:30 AM to go to the airport. We were at the airport early enough to smoothly move through check-in and security. After a long trip, we finally arrived in Geneva 20 hours later at 7:30 pm local time.